What about Rav Shloma Zalman Auerbach, also clueless?

1. How do you reconcile what he writes about those that grew up in kibbutzim with "
ואף על פי ששמע אחר כך שהיה יהודי, וראה היהודים ודתם, הרי הוא כאנוס, שהרי גידלוהו על טעותם"?
2. I don't know what the שאלה he is answering here, but I highly doubt it has anything to do with "לפיכך ראוי להחזירן בתשובה, ולמשוך אותן בדרכי שלום, עד שיחזרו לאיתן התורה."
3. Do you really think RSZA or RMF, or any of the poskim really know and understand the state of mind, education, and nurturing that people who are 2nd, 3rd, or 4th generation removed from שמירת תומ"צ and לימוד תורה ע"פ המסורה received, to be able to say that #2 above is irrelevant or doesn't take priority?
I recommend you read the letter I linked to above.