Interesting, need to read up on that, do you have a link?
It's in your very own link! look at page 5. It was the Zionist movement who fought it, as the plight of the Jews wasn't their top priority.
@flyingace see page 3 and on
Whatever risks there were are incomparable to what’s going on now.
The whole comparison is ridiculous. The march back then was an outcry to the American government who literally turned a blind eye to the murdering of millions of Jews. Today BH America is the greatest defender of Jewish lives.
I wish this march too great success. I hope a million people show up to counter the insane pro terrorist sentiments that popped out everywhere. The reason why the Chassidish and Yeshivish communities will never be part of it though is (aside of Gog I'Magog which is really above our paygrade) because we don't partake in marches that has the name "March for Israel" on it, a march where waving the Israeli flag is the focal point, the very flag Reb Avigdor Miller so clearly describes what it symbolizes here.
"The Israeli flag is a symbol of Zionism. And Zionism is a principle that means something. Zionism is not just some political movement; it represents the principle that in order to be a Jew all you need is to subscribe to the idea of a Jewish state. You don’t need any Torah. You know you can be an atheist and you can still be a very good Zionist! And that’s where we come in and we say, that’s the chillul Hashem!
When the blue and white flag is raised, that’s what it’s saying. That flag is saying that this is the purpose, this is the ideal, this is the justification, and all other things are unimportant. And we say it’s not so! It’s the flag that is the chillul Hashem! Because we have only one flag and that is the Torah. We are a nation because of the Torah. Without the Torah we are nothing but gypsies, we’re a polyglot, and we’re halfbreeds; we have all types of people mixed into our nation. But there’s only one thing that makes Jews Jews. And that it that they are loyal to Hashem and His Torah.
And therefore a flag that proclaims that the Torah is not necessary to be a Jew – that you can be an oichel treifos just like the leaders of the State of Israel – except for Begin; Begin eats kosher, I think – so you can eat treifos they say, you can be a michaleil Shabbos, and work on Yom Kippur, and be an eishes-ishnik, you can commit adultery, it’s nothing to them. You have homosexuals too, who are diehard Zionists. "