iPhone running 4g LTE in Melbourne, Australia.
Just activated an iPhone 4s ATT on my wife's metro pcs plan. Not bad for an 'officially' 3g phone, even though it says 4G!
I got these results today. My internet was really slow the past few days. Does this make sense?
Download should be higher or equal to upload. Call optimum or check if anything is hogging the connection
That's what I thought. What could be hogging the connection? I know we have optimum hot-spot installed. Can someone be using that and lowering my download speed?
We gotta upgrade our work internet. Only 98/60
At home i have 1/1 at a good time. I've always wondered what it would be like to have a really fast connection, what it's like to not have to wait for video to buffer or download a large file in seconds. I guess I'll have to wait to experience it.
Gollan after using up 5gig