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Yudel Shain?
That's what it looks like.
Just saying, he was the first one to discover Bingo Five Towns switched shechitas. Now it has been verified he was right.
There is also more going on here than people know about.
For example, our Bingo sells "checked garlic". (Garlic has thrips which are easy to clean. After removing peel, each clove needs to be washed under a heavy stream of water). It used to be certified by both Hisachdus and the Vaad. Hisachdus was relying on the Vaads mashgiach who said he was washing and checking all the garlic.
I and others asked the Vaad's produce guy point blank. He told us he is washing it in the back on premises with Hisachdus spot checking. We knew that there is no dryer in the back, and that when packed wet they get moldy. So we asked the goy who is packaging the garlic. He revealed to us that he is just pouring it from the big container to the small ones. No washing or checking at all.
Hisachdus was notified and immediately removed their hechsher from the garlic and notified the Vaad. Vaad hechsher still remains on it till today. They just don't care.
I know of two other recent CRC violations. They blamed it on the Vaad mismanaging their labels. It doesn't matter whose fault it really was. But Yudel knows all the stories. Much more than I do. That's why he is being so strong