"On the negative side, we see to our deep sorrow and dismay how a large and growing segment of our Jewish youth is utterly confused and alienated to such an extent that it is being written off in some quarters as a lost cause, G‑d forbid. Such a view is, of course, quite at variance with the Torah view, unequivocally expressed by our Sages of the Mishnah: "All Jews have a share in the World to Come, as it is written, but all your people are righteous. . . the work of My Hands." In other words, the eternal destiny of each and every Jew is assured by G‑d Himself, regardless of the present state in which the individual may be.
Fortunately, just as Divine Providence is in evidence in every thing, it is evidenced also in the fact that the negative side of the situation is compensated by the positive side of it. It is, that never before has there been a greater, more eager and honest desire on the part of our young generation to search for the truth, a desire matched by a determination and readiness to accept challenge and re-order the daily life accordingly — so long as they are convinced that they have found the truth."
The positivity of the Rebbe and his always being galvanized and ready for action is something to be admired