It sure will. Even among the few women who join their husbands in yerushalayim, many of them will have to end up finding an alternate Seder to attend away from their husbands and families without a korban pesach or chagigah, which they can not participate in due to niddah or zivah. As timei’im, they will not be allowed to attend a Seder together with tehorim…
They can't be in the same room?
or just do they have to eat/sit at different tables, and add a mechitza from the korban eaters during the achilas korban?
Most women will be nowhere near the seder anyway. The three regalim were not like some giant family friendly pesach hotel excursion. When there was a beis hamikdash, pesach shavuos and sukkos were largely gender separate events far away from family. Kind of like going to Uman three times a year. Mandatory.
All able bodied men would have to take the long journey to be oleh regel to yerushalayim and would celebrate yom tov by themselves while women and family would make yom tov alone in their distant home towns. The furthest of them would not see their husbands for three full months over the span of a year, from two weeks before the regel to two weeks after the regel. That was travel time as per the Gemara in taanis. This was three times a year, mandatory each time. Sort of reverse bungalow colony where all the women and little kids stay in the city.
It was a very different yom tov experience.
Me thinks that the modern experience will be just a bit different.
Unless we wont be able to use planes and cars after Moshiach comes?
Why wouldnt women come today even from across the globe?
We have mekoros that the simchas beis hashoeiva was seperate, but the other YT?