Must be really interesting drinking 4 cups at seudas moshiach so close to where the practice was instituted.
We didn't have
18 tables, nor 310 temimim present. And while the outside plan of the structure is as close as possible to what it was back in the day, I am unsure of the inside layout of specifics. Regardless, it was a wonderful experience.
As a side note, I don't think Chabad farbrengens in other parts of the world (other than the former USSR) has such public and open talk about обрезание.
Rabbi Gordon saw in ליובאוויטש וחייליה a description of Seudas Moshiach with the Rebbe Rashab where it said that he had a borscht, so he prepared a borscht for those that wanted (my sons and I stuck to what I say by the Rebbe, just Matzos, wine, and water).