So here's the barcode for the trade-in coupon. You don't actually have to trade in the car seat - you just scan the barcode and add the coupon to your account. You can do it from the comfort of your desk ranting:
Basically I went in to the Brooklyn Kings Hwy Target, and the manager Sierra came to help since my phone was saying 'no offer found' when scanning the barcode. But the offer did appear in my account (or maybe it was always there for everyone like Sierra said? I thought it must be a different offer)? She just bitched at me and told me its a publicly available offer and don't need to scan or trade anything in. It was quite a confusing process for someone who doesn't do coupons and stacking and such and is just following the wife's directions - like why is there a trade in event if they don't want my car seat and the coupon is just right there in the app??? So I left with my car seat and a coupon - whatever.