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Quick tips on random subjects that come up in between classes (will add as we go along):

Food photography tips
Newborn photography tips

Table of Contents (I'll change each line to a link as we go along.)


1) Choosing a camera: Point and Shoot vs. Mirrorless vs. DSLR
2) Camera specs: What do they mean, and which ones matter to me?
3) Exposure Basics Part 1 - the shutter speed/aperture/ISO triangle
4) Exposure Basics Part 2 - getting to know your mode dial, and other exposure controls
5) All about memory cards
6) Using ultra-wide lenses

Lenses 101 - technology, terminology, and specs, zooms vs. primes, basic/advanced/unique lenses

Lighting 101 - focusing specifically on easy to afford and easy to use setups
Small flash - on camera, off camera, modifiers and accessories
Studio strobes
Continuous lighting - fluorescent, LED, and halogen
Basic light modifiers - umbrellas, softboxes, gels, reflectors
Basic supports - lightstands, umbrella brackets, backgrounds, etc.

All about accessories - memory cards, tripods, bags, filters, remotes, adapters, grips, geotaggers, and more)

So I bought all my stuff - now what?

What makes a compelling photograph?
Depth of field
Composition basics - rule of thirds, perspective, framing
Advanced composition - negative space, inclusion and exclusion, compression
Light - natural, golden hour, basic flash usage.

Let's start shooting...

In the park
Playing sports
At home

Landscapes and wildlife:
"Grand" landscapes
"Intimate" landscapes
Birds in flight
Shooting in bad weather

Babies and newborns
Single person - indoors
Single person - outdoors
Natural light
Artificial light - simple
Artificial light - complex
Mixed light

Close up and macro
Product photography

How do I...? (Some specific scenarios/techniques - Basic)
Shoot out of a plane window?
Shoot underwater?
Shoot compelling black-and-white?

How do I...? (Some specific scenarios/techniques - Advanced)
Long exposures
Light painting
Twilight landscapes
Milky Way
Star trails

Basic editing concepts:
Layers and masking


What type of camera do shoot with?

Point & Shoot - basic (Canon Elph style) or Smartphone
123 (36.8%)
Point & Shoot - advanced (Canon S100 or G Style)
52 (15.6%)
27 (8.1%)
DSLR - consumer (Up to a Nikon D5200 or Canon Rebel)
74 (22.2%)
DSLR - prosumer or pro (Nikon D7000 or Canon 60D and up)
30 (9%)
P&S, but I plan on getting an SLR or Mirrorless in the near future
28 (8.4%)

Total Members Voted: 278

Author Topic: Learn Photography Master Thread  (Read 436919 times)

Offline TFY

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Re: Learn Photography Master Thread
« Reply #1700 on: September 24, 2024, 01:27:18 PM »
looking to get a used older model mirrorless camera. possibly sony nex 5 or . do cameras not work as well when older?
Look at the shutter count when you buy its like miles in a car, older just doesn't have the new amazing features.