To understand the effects - shipping from Asia to the East Coast is about 30 days sailing but closer to 45 days when including loading times. Even when things go back to normal, it will take months for east coast to catch up. The last few weeks many importers have already diverted containers to the west coast, and now everyone needs to.
Which means the west coast ports are going to be extremely congested as it’s literally double the capacity, as all containers have nowhere wise to go. It means higher shipping rates. It means anything that needs to be on East coast or gulf will need to be trucked or railed for a very hefty price.
Even if the strikes ended today, the anticipation already diverted all the containers in a very harmful way.
In my business we’re anticipating a 15-30 day delay at California ports, and expecting shortages of several SKUs (despite the fact we keep safety stock). We’re also lengthening our lead times, and seeing higher shipping rates.