I debated if I should post, it's pretty painful.
The chazan at a recent musaf I davened with, a charedi israeli bachur, mixed up all his segols and tzeirehs, had a couple alef and hei mishmashes, and gave us the following gems:
וינוחו בו כל ישראל מקצבי שמך
בא"י המחזיר שינתו לציון
And a bunch of others. Hurt my ears.
Often when hearing krias hatorah from Israeli Ashkenazim, the lack of care to differentiate segols from tzeires, kamatz from cholam, chirik and shva makes me really cringe and wonder if I need to hear kirah again....
Israelis are usually the worst. Maybe if they would realize that the language they speak on a daily basis is a DIFFERENT LANGUAGE (despite similarities), there would be hope.
Mixing up שווא, סגול & צירי. Not differentiating or mixing up קמץ & חולם. Alef & Hei (mostly yerushalmi feature) and the list goes on.
That being said, listening to קריאת התורה this morning in KJ had me baffled by total disregard for מלעיל & מלרע. I know Chassidim aren't careful with this by Davening, but for קריאת התורה, it doesn't require extra effort. The טעמים are printed wherever one prepares from!