Giveaway page URL for all 20 days, will be updated daily:
@jj1000 referring a spouse, kosher?
+1. @jj1000?
the day 20 grand price is a $10k custom trip + a box of 20 DD favorite items? Or are those twoseparate winners?
I read it as two separate winners
Me too.
lol i thought on the live feed it had said one winner.
That was referring to our 20 favorite things.
Was the 20th birthday scheduled on purpose to finish right before black friday to get many new subscribers?
Day 20 Deal: The Greatest Birthday Gift You Will Ever Buy!
But can you get it for a female spouse?
No, I was born on Cyber Monday. The site started on Black Friday.
Dan you broke me
@Mimi's donuts: Filled with Homemade Lemon curd and topped with white chocolate frosting: 11/10Filled with Ungers custard: 10/10Cinnamon donut holes filled with Ungers custard: 10/10