I think we should just ignore the troll.
Just because you don't like what he is saying does not mean he is trolling.
He has a valid point.
The state does not have a chezkaz kashrus when it comes to things like Shmiras Shabbos, nor asking the shaylos properly.
It is definitely a valid question why the massive chilul shabbos was needed, especially since there are many other options that could have had less chilul shabbos. (If its such "pikuach nefesh", the IL govt should be organizing airlifts of Jewish communities from cities across Europe...).
Look at the speed at which the IL govt changed the danger level in Amsterdam back down...
This really seems to be a situation where it is possible that the SM people whipped up a situation with more urgency then it really had. In the few hours after the game, maybe yes... the next day not really.