Asking questions and projecting agendas are not the same thing
You are welcome to move to Israel and get your kids that you spent 18 years raising b'kedusha and tahara drafted into the army and throw off their kipa.
You are welcome to move here and want to sit and learn but have all the benifits that you pay for with your hard earned tax money be denied to you because you learn Torah.
You are welcome to try to live as a practicing Jew in Israel but if you disagree with the policys and actually protest you get physically beaten up by the police and thrown in jail. and then fined. But not if you block the main highway of Tel Aviv every single M. Shabbos...
You are welcome to move here and be vilified and bashed by the mainstream media EVERYWHERE because you are Chareidi. Chareidim spread Corona. Chareidim are bloodsuckers. Chareidim steal our money...
You are welcome to live in Israel where the government tries to Hijack Yiddishkeit and say that they are the real representatives of Judaism...
Is that my agenda? To speak the truth about the only country in the world that has a "Der Sturmer" attittude towards me and then pretends that they are "saving the Jews from a pogrom"?
They play victim while downing the worst things to destroy Judaism since Stalin...