It's not about me wanting to believe you, it's about your unwillingness to stand behind your own 'testimony'.if your going to allege an event, especially one that's quite a חידוש compared to anything anyone else has run into, stand behind your memory.If your memory is fuzzy, please stop regurgitating it every time this topic comes up. An event that likely never happened, or at best happened very differently than is being described, hardly has any bearing on a reasonable discussion.
It isn't a testimony and has never been meant as more than an illustration. Do you feel that there are not any fringes at all who have gone too far and/or have gone off the deep end?
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
So you are inferring that the first 400 or so posts are worth reading?
So far as to include the 13 ikrim in the siddur?!?!?!
Do you mean that the way it is writeen?
Given that there is no Chabad siddur that has those, your story does strain credibility.
Oh Geez. If you have to explain the joke...
I understood the joke but wasn't sure if it was a joke or a typo.
I actually thought the beginning of this thread was very constructive and I leant a lot about the "other" perspective on this
To go off topic. Chabad has set out that they use נוסח אר"י and all other Chasidim nusach Sfared.But I think other Chasidim also believe they are Davening Nusach Ari.
With all the boats being missed, we are still missing any substantive posts. Despite several attempt to fish for those, it seems like everyone prefers going around in circles around the edges, without discussing substance.We've gone more than 80 posts since I directly and substantively addressed the article that @mgarfin quoted today, which revived this thread, yet not one post, one way or another, addressed my assertion that the PREMISE which is part of the foundation of the article, is WRONG and should be UNIVERSALLY seen as such.
Did I accuse you of being unobjective or not having an open mind?You could have easily done תשובה by posting the appropriate link: wouldn't have been to hard to get the link using Google or forum search.
You need to answer for the pri tzadik also...
And neither is factually correct
The Sidur we use clearly says on its cover על פי נוסח האר''י ז''לכפי אשר יסד.... כ''ק... מוהר''ר שניאור זלמן נבג''מ בעל התניא והשו''עIt's the Alter Rebbe's version of נוסח האר''י