At the end of the day there is hate and intolerance towards people who live their lives different than yourself.
Whether it be Lubavitch, Yeshivish, Chassidish, Ashkenazi, Sefardi, Charedi, Daati, etc.
And even within those groups themselves you have different "groups" of people hating on each other for their differences. And it's all in the name of religion but honestly it's not even all about religion at all.
Sad but true.
Btw, In your case as a child in school, your rebbyim should have shown more sensitivity knowing that they had a talmid fro a chabadsker home in the class. Indeed it must have been painful and confusing for you at the time, I can only imagine.
Hopefully by now you can appreciate that there are many people who just will never come to terms with the chabadsker rebbeh and the negative thing they think about him. On this we will just disagree.
Why should rabayim have been more sensitive b/c a lubab was in the class?
Truth is at that point my father was not yet a full blown lubab and so they probably had no idea, but why should L"H and making fun of tzadikim only apply in front of people who revere them?
Yes it was painful, but I moved on. I don't bear any ill will and it's not something that ever comes up in my daily life. It's threads like these that are the only place it comes up.
But the fact that there among the people who hate Chabad, 99% of them have been brainwashed from hearing things that have been so twisted (as quite frankly it seems that you are) and untrue by people with an agenda that I just feel bad that they were mekabel such loshon harah...
Maybe come by for a shabbos some time and we'll hash it out in person