LMAO, what in the world?!?We posted it in 2020. And that's it.https://www.dansdeals.com/shopping-deals/amazon/delta-children-kids-mickey-mouse-paw-patrol-easel-play-station-38-50-shipped-amazon/
Need your LG Exalt fixed? Cracked in half? Water damage? Or parts to repair yourself. 347.201.2501
It's $1 cheaper now than 4 years ago!
In hopes to be able to bail themselves out of bankruptcy.. let's see what wonders that picture does! Interesting to see they follow dansdeals.
10k likes won't do for YitzyS what you just did.
I can't know for sure unless you give me 10k likes...
forgot to change his total like count...
Echo chambers are boring and don't contribute much to deeper thinking and understanding!