I am looking for recommendations for a first handgun.
I am looking for something that:
1 - Is a good gun to use to learn to shoot and practice with. I've only been to a range 1-2 times so I want something that I can easily be taught to use and practice with on my own.
2 - Reasonably inexpensive.
3 - That I can carry once I am proficient and get a CC permit. I don't plan on carrying regularly, but want something that I can CC when needed.
Any suggestions? If this is a PM discussion, feel free to PM.
Glock 43x or a SIG P365 variant
You can go to most gun ranges and ask to rent various ones and you can try them out and see what feels good in your hand, how it shoots, etc.
Also, how you carry concealed makes a difference. A Glock 19 is considered a big gun, but I have an excellent holster, and even people who know I carry it aren't able to see that I'm carrying it.