Slowly coming back to the roots.
מען האט פארדרייט די תורה.
Meinyan leinyan b'oso inyan...
I remember when I went back to the states to date, there was a full page ad signed by all the American gedolim promising your shidduch to come quickly if you would go out with "older girls." (This was not clearly defined.) It really tickled my funny bone at the time - imagine agreeing to go out with your zivug instead of rejecting it due to chitzonius! (That's what I thought then.) I didn't have that problem - the first girl I went out with was older than me and from divorced parents, and I said to myself that this is external and not proof of anything.
Lemaaseh the joke was on me, because six months from my first date, I was married (not engaged, married). To an eighteen year old. (I actually didn't know this - I thought she was older until after we got engaged.) A zivug is a zivug, and the beracha was mekuyem.