There’s an age gap, personality gap, religion gap, and who knows how many other gaps that are causing whatever imbalances there are. However one thing is clear to me, there’s no one intelligent enough that can explain (with proof) the cause and solution to this issue.
Which leaves me with a couple thoughts. If God made this problem difficult enough to understand and even more difficult to solve, then the solution can’t be to try and change the world. The answer is to pray. Everything else is make-believe hishtadlus trying to pretend we control the world. Hint: we don’t.
And second, the crisis is not an imbalance between 1000 boys and 1100 girls. The crisis is each individual that didn’t find their one match. Stop believing in the kfira that statistics determine your eligibility to get married, and realize that Hashem has one unique person to match with another. How many of us here think we needed a pool of 1100 people to get married? How many in our pool when we’re 5 are in the same pool at age 22? My pool was completely altered by people moving, changing lifestyle, people becoming religious or leaving it, and etc. How many of our spouses (or ourselves) fit into a comfortable statistical box whose outcome can be manipulated by the favored agenda of the day? The solution, once again, is prayer, not meaningless finger pointing or poorly planned attempts at social engineering.