I have a Starwood AMEX with $12.000 CL and I just called them to increase my CL. they said that if I request up to triple the amount of my current CL, that I would likely be approved.
So I asked them to bring it up to $35.000, and the guy said that I should verify my annual income, so I told him that I make $110.000 a year (not true).
After the guy put the request through, he said that they would be getting back to me within 7-10 days.
Last time I requested them to increase my limit from 5.500 to 10.000 they did it on the spot.
my question is: Have I just been sent to AMEX's dreaded "financial review team"?
The reason for asking this is because the guy said that if I wanted a quicker response, I can call on monday, since "that" dept. is closed on weekends. So if, indeed, I've been forwarded to them, I rather call them on sun. (tomorrow), and cancel my credit increase request...
Anything, not to get on AMEX's black list...