Kosher Traveler Thruway Info
שחרית 6:40 / מנחה מעריב 10 מינוט קודם השקיעה
Cong Beth Abraham-Jacob
380 Whitehall Rd. Albany, NY
Tel. (518) 489-5819
(2 blocks south of St. Peters Hospital)
הרב באומזער שליט"א (518) 727-5566
שחרית 8:00 / מנחה מעריב בזמנה
Cong. Shomray Torah - "The Shteeble"
463 New Scotland Ave. Albany, NY
- (518) 526-MINFO (4634) (518) 423-4103Info
On same street as new Hilton Garden Inn at the Albany Medical Center (mention Chabad)
הרב רובין שליט"א
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Spend Shabbos in Saratoga
Mishpochos with married children in Montreal and NY, who wish to meet halfway in Saratoga for a Shabbos, can contact Rabbi Rubin of Saratoga Chabad to help accommodate their staying at nearby hotels & reserve to davven/Kiddush/Seuda at his place
Summer Vacation Season Lake George Minyan
שחרית 8:00 – מנחה מעריב בערך 7:30
Chabad Saratoga (518) 423-4103 (518) 526-MINFO (4634)
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I-87 Lodging offering Community Discount
Comfort Inn & Suites (Just off I-87 Exit 15)
Use Promotion Code # LJTS
17 Old Gick Road, Saratoga Springs, NY, US, 12866
(in front of Wal-Mart that’s open 24 Hrs. & sells Fruits & Veg.)
Phone: (518) 587-6244
Just $70 A night!!!!
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I-87 Full Line of Kosher Products at
Price Chopper, 1892 Central Ave. Albany, NY – Exit 2W