Interesting post about news going around Israel.
i know, very surprising that there should be another side to the story, but...
from ywn:
Responding to Israel Radio was Eida Chareidis spokesman Shmuel Peppenheim.
Why are so many mashgichim required?
I don’t know where this farmer has gathered so many complaints. We employ one mashgiach at the level of the farms, for an entire district.
Yes but there are also mashgichim from the Chief Rabbinate. Why not rely on them?
Those wishing to rely upon the Chief Rabbinate may do so and that is absolutely fine. Badatz Eida Chareidis is a private hashgacha and those wishing our services must comply with our stringent standards. Yes, the law demands the Rabbinate’s certification, and then they can use us if they wish or not. It is not compulsory. We are private.
Regarding the packing area our mashgiach works quite hard, despite that farmer’s statements. It is not just growing fruit on a tree and after three years one can eat. Trees require work, pruning and other care for the farmer’s good, and some of these issues do result in kashrus concerns. The mashgiach understands this things but the farmer may not. That is fine. The mashgiach does what he is responsible to do.
Farmer Netzer Shamir from a moshav in the Negev claims you guys disqualified 10 tons of lemons from his orchard that were over 3 years old.
We have no connection to that farmer. We deal with a middle man who markets produce from many areas. The Eida only uses a small amount of produce that which meets our stringent standard and we pay dearly for this.
Don’t you think your standards are harming the livelihood of farmers?
Quite the contrary sir. We open many markets and doors for a farmer wishing to export and they earn more per ton of produce with us than they will without our hashgacha.
I don’t believe that he had to destroy the lemons for if we do not use it the Chief Rabbinate would take it. Even if the Chief Rabbinate said it does not want it, then he can sell it abroad to the marketplace uninterested in kashrus. It is most unfortunate people like this farmer make such baseless allegations for the Eida would never compel him to destroy tons of lemons.