Now I am speculating, but I would actually think the more yeshivish the situation the more you have people relying on there own knowledge, which is usually woefully incomplete, and pasken there own shailos.
From first hand experience - this is the sad truth.
I've posted some of these horror stories before - and remember they all happened in the span of two summers!
serving pasta infested with bugs.
keilim mixed to the point of that if you looked carefully through the grime on the sheetpans - some were painted blue on one end and red on the other.
becuase agri had a clearance sale months after the rubashkin arrest - buying OU only meat products (no additional hechsher) for a tzibur that wouldn't touch such stuff in their house.
Not takeing challa from cakes and pancakes (in commerical quanteties - it's mechuyav in challa)
The yeshivish fellow using a pareve sheetpan to bake pizza - when asked Ma zeh - the answer is "Its pareve...". Same guy, same day, using pareve sheet pan for hot dogs - same question - same answer...
Not checking eggs.
Using the deep fryer just used for frying fish to fry shnitzel - when the bachur who was "mashgiach" saw what happening, called his rav, was told "let it cool, clean it out, change the oil... chamira sakanta..." stops whats going on... leaves for a bit... comes back and finds that "we asked a magid shiur on campus and he said it's fine" (a fine magid shiur, but just that - no yoreh deah experience)
zero oversight on mixing keilim
The non jewish assistant cook wanted to use hs own private knives (you know chefs...). He claimed that "he only uses them for Kosher". The owner and main cook got in to a huge fight over it - with the yeshivish owner, who "learns all year" siding with the goyish assistant cook!!!
What did they do about the NYS kosher laws? Well, the brother in law (and silent shutaf) of the owner works for an international kashrus org in a foreign country. On the disclosure forms they wrote him as the supervising Rabbi, with his kashrus org affiliation. In my 7 years in the camp, the man was there once and needed a guided tour to help him find the kitchen. He had nothing to do with it at all.
Forget about bishul yisroel on anything done in the oven. (auto turn off when you open the door...)
Who lit the pilot light??
these are just the stories I remember of the top of my head...
All this in a camp owned by a guy from lakewood, run by people from lakewood, mainly catering to yeshivish people from lakewood/monsey/flatbush. - and gedolim from lakewood and other places came and ate there!! without doing zero checking on the kashrus! (I remember this everytime we have a discussion about a certain hotel in JLM and people say "but they say Rav Ploni ate there")