In your zealousness to find chumros and issurim you are literally knocking and belittling the Torah itself, דברי אלוקים חיים. It sounds like you have more respect for a takana of 'Vaad arba artzos' (of which the only rabbonim I know of who tell people it is Halacha are conveniently also profiting from charging poor bnei torah for it) than you care about תורת משה.
This is why the Ran said in his Vidduy אֵת אֲשֶׁר הֵקַלְתָּ הֶחֱמַרְתִּי, וַאֲשֶׁר הֶחֱמַרְתָּ הֵקַלְתִּי.
ETA - I read it again and I am just mind boggled. עד אחד נאמן באיסורים is 'a kula' but a (long forgotten) takana of 'Vaad arba artzos' is יהרג ואל יעבור...
I don't mean it toread the way you see it...
A. I specificaly wrote
A. Takana of the Vaad Arbah Aratzos. while it is a shayla if and who today is obligated by these takanos, the VAA made a takana that we may NOT rely on EA when the EA is selling what he is giving eidus on - rather he must be "certified" by "eiza rav oh av beis din" (if i remember the lashon correctly). Many parts of klal yisroel have behaved as if they accepted the takanos for a nice amount of time (and an additional shayla is that even if they are not actually mechuyav by the original takanos, they may be mechuyav to continue the hanhaga bec of chazaka in hanhaga tova.)
Not torah Misinay, not yehareg v'al yavor - just a mare makom for something that MAY be obligated in halacha
B. The disscussion IS what is the gedarim of EA. When S/o says EA and we ask well what's he saying and the guy answers with a bland "It's kosher" w/o taking into account who the person is, what his knowledge is, why he claimsso so you can evaluate what the EIDUS of the EA is - this is clearly does NOT fall into the gedarim of eidus of eid echad.
In a case where eid echad is neeman to establish the death of a man (for the purposes of his wife remarrying) Its been a while but I dont seem to remember ANY shita that said that the eid can just come and say "He's dead". There needs to be eidus - who, where, how...
C. Yes, EA IS a kula from chazal - but that doesnt remove it from the requirements of eidus. The point being that without chazals kula the assumption about kashrus sensitive food w/o a valid EA is that it is asur, not that its a chumra to have an EA tell you its kosher.
D. I dont see any place that I
literally knocking and belittling the Torah itself
maybe s/o understanding of it but def not the torah itself.
E. You and I know that the entire kashrus system is built on eid echad. For that matter the original EA in kashrus is that you trust that your wife that she took chala, and had the chicken properly shechted when she serves them to you. The debate is what fullfills the requirments of EA.
F. In a way the disscussion can be focused around what are the Yados of the EA statement "It's Kosher"? At least two posters on this thread what to tayna that you dont NEED any yados rather the stament "its kosher" fullfills everything needed by chazal on all parts of kashrus without any sort of need to see if the claimant knows what he is talking about. Other posters on the thread, myself included, are saying that EA needs yados - i.e. What are you saying, why are you saying it
like any other eidus in the torah including all other EA cases (AFAIK - correct me if I'm wrong).
G. This being said I beleive the burden of proof to prove otherwise falls on those advocating the "we beleive any EA who says the magic words "Its kosher" no matter who he is and what food in which local he's talking about"
H. Just a couple of examples to bring out the difficulty in across the board acceptance of the "its kosher" no matter the cirucumstance
You see a jew of unknown religiosity in EY selling cut fruits and vegis. He says it's kosher. What does this include? That he cut the dvar charif with a kosher knife? that it's not orlah? that it's not takroves ovada zara? that its not asur bec of shmita? that it's been truma an maasered properly? or he said its kosher so i can eat it? what about demai?
Someone gives you a celophane wrapped package of square matzos in your mishloach manos and tells you "its kosher". Can you eat these without taking chalah? what about at layl haseder? or maybe theyre kosher chometz matzos?
Someone gives you a fillet of fish w/o the skin. he says it's kosher. does this mean that it was checked for bugs that theres a machlokes if they;re asur or mutar?