Without addressing the kashrus positions, on chometz he offers those suggestions for people who cannot burn chometz. At that point, one still has to get rid of it and you can't give it away to Jewish aniyim because it's assur.
Yes, but he wrote that there is only Mitzvah to get rid of it, not burn it. This implies that there is no Mitzvah of destroying it which is false.
He also wrote that you can give it away to a non-Jew. This is not our Mesorah.
Anyways, i checked up one of his videos on Kashrus. Heres a quick take:
Does something need a Hechsher to be Kosher?
There is a big problem with people trying to make ourselves better than the people of last year.
There are Talmidei Chachamim who just don’t know Halacha. They don’t know what’s written in the Shulchan Aruch.
We used to have Talmeidi Chachamim who knew stuff, nowadays they say only if it has a symbol its Kosher.
My grandmother baked Matzah on Pesach…
So we are strict on what we eat but don’t care about we speak about. We are speaking lots of Lashon Hara so we need to cut down on being so strict on Kashrus.
Don’t fall into that trap! We should eat something because we know the Halacha and eat whats Kosher because its Kosher, not because of the symbol.
So yeah, he has his own Derech... I don't suggest relying on him for Kashrus advice...