This week's Voice has R Aurbach of the KSA bashing R Mehlman from the NKS for certifying Playa Bwols in Howell.
I found this very odd, as R Mehlman is considered quite reliable by those who know him. (My family was from the West Side and relies on his hechsher). He is definitely not a Mehadrin hechsher - he has his kulos- but he is reliable and on top of the situation. That's why he writes, for example, strawberries aren't certified. You need to read the sign. But he has a mashgiach checking the place out.
It may not be Lakewood standards, but again, it's chalav Stam as it is. Attacking him for certifying a kosher place seems odd.
Auerbach should go after LKO if he wants to attack anyone in Lakewood. Mehlman is a far more reliable alternaitve.