@Moshe Green While you may mean well, when you post accusations that are at best unsubstansiated garbage (K is not reliable bec it took up lots of places that Rubin dropped), or baseless assumptions (Rubin runs a tight ship, we can assume that K does not) you hurt the point that you are trying to make. You also provide amo for those who say "its all politics"...
You may not know why suddenly K is picking up places, or Rubin is dropping them - but to jump from that to "must be K is a lesser hechsher" is just stupid.
For many years there was a general status quo that resturants in Charedi residential areas in JLM would close by a certain time. The Eida will not give a hechsher on places open later... (check out geula after 8pm!)
A certain area came to be an exception to this... attracting people from far and wide to come to purchase there - making lots of noise and attracting anshei dlo maali to hang out there.
After trying unsuccessfully to work with the stores directly - the local rabbanim worked with the hechsherim to get the hechsher removed from any store opened after the time (I belive it was 11:30pm).
K was then in expansion mode and picked up the stores that lost their hechsher... Does it say something about the hechsher? Yes. Does it say anything about the kashrus standards of the hechsher... NO.