Every hashgacha has +&-.
There is no reason that it should lose its status of food just because you had those few milligrams if you would take those milligrams of medication and bake it into a loaf of bread, would you be allowed to eat that loaf of bread on pesach?
Technically speaking why is there a need for KFP coke?Is the kitniyos not בטל ברוב?
No bitul brov if put in בכונה
Coca Cola isn’t being mevatel בכוונה
I didn't say mevatel בכונה. I said put in בכונה. Big difference
Yes it is a big difference because we generally don’t pasken like that Rashba if that is what you are referring to
I am not...This is a סברא with regards to the קולא of ביטול ברוב by קטניות
Said by whom?
Isn't the corn syrup put in for flavor/taste?
For pesach the poskim are indeed machmir on the Rashba, plus it can be more than just the Rashba.
Which poskim are you referring to?
The Mg'A brings the Rashba in 242. At a shiur this past shabbos the Rav said over that the achronim point out to be machmir on the Rashba for pesach, even if one is lenient like the Noda B'Yehuda for other issurin.
I don’t know which achronim he’s referring to but I’d like to know if they said it by קטניות too
Btw why do you assume that kitniyos can be בטל ברוב and not בטל בס׳?
חק יעקב תנג ומשנ״ב סק״ט
I’m assuming that’s no an issue by kitniyos CMIIWETA I see that חק יעקב klers otherwise, so that would explain it. But there are חולקים.