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Hopefully @Dan will follow up on this accusation. It would shed a different light on the situation if true.Zablocki has a pretty bad track record.I wouldn’t take his word for much.He uses the threat of lawsuits to shut down any real criticism.I would recommend against getting any further involved
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
If the accusation came with a name and something concrete it could be worth investigating. How can Dan investigate an anonymous claim without even a hint of a specific accusation?
Probably a beef with someone from this program:;topicseen#msg2703854
What caught my eye in the post was is he sued to silence criticism. He did the same here.
So you're "Watch your back" in the comments.
currently when there's a price adjustment DDMS admins just change the price in post, i would like to see the old price in strike through in addition to the current price.
As per this, the title should be "I, for two, Will Miss The CFPB"@DanJ1000