[AA] or [C:AA]
Any number of flights marketed by American Airlines [AA+] or [C:AA+]
Direct flight marked by American Airlines, United, or Delta [AA,CO,DL]
or [C:AA,C:UA,C:DL]
Direct flight operated by American Airlines (as opposed to a code-share or subsidiary carrier) [O:AA]
Direct flight operated by American Airlines, United, or Delta (as opposed to a code-share) [O:AA,O:UA,O:DL]
Up to 3 flights, including at least one marketed by US Airways [F? US F?]
Any number of flights, including at least one marketed by American Airlines [F+ AA F+]
Exclude United and only show direct flights [~UA]
Exclude United and show options with zero or more connections. [~UA+]
Search for results with exactly two flights, and excluding United from the 2nd flight [F ~UA]
Search for results with a direct flight excluding flights marketed [~AA,CO,DL]
Search for results with a direct flight excluding flights marketed by American Airlines, United, or Delta [~AA,UA,DL]
A flight on US Airways followed by a flight on United [US UA]
Restricting by alliance [/ alliance oneworld]
SkyTeam [/ alliance skyteam]
Star Alliance [/ alliance star-alliance]
Restricting the number of stops [N]
Non-stop flight on United Airlines [N:UA]
Direct flight (may have a stop, but same flight number continues to destination) [F]
Specifying connections [/ minconnect 45]
Any number of connections, each with a minimum connection time of 1 hour, maximum connection time of 2 hours [/ minconnect 60; maxconnect 120]
Require at least 20 minutes more than airline recommended minimum connection time [/ padconnect 20]
One or more connection points [X+]
One connection point with at least 45 min [X / minconnect 45]
Exactly 2 connections [X X]
Two connections or less [X? X?]
Two connections or more [X X+]
Connect in Dallas-Fort-Worth with no other connection points [DFW]
or [X:DFW]
Connect in Dallas-Fort-Worth with any additional connections before or after [F? DFW F?]
Connect in either Dallas-Fort-Worth or Denver with no other connection points [DFW,DEN]
Connect only in Dallas-Fort-Worth or Denver [N DFW,DEN N]
Connect in Dallas-Fort-Worth followed by Denver followed by 0 or more stops [DFW DEN X?]
Find itineraries with exactly one connection and exclude connections in Dallas-Fort-Worth [~DFW]
Exclude connections in the United States (Note: this does not exclude stops on direct flights.) [~l:nUS+]
Specifying itinerary duration [/ maxdur 240]
Specifying flight attributes [/ -overnight]Exclude both red-eye flights and overnight stops
[/ -overnight;-redeye]
Exclude propeller planes [/ -prop]
Specifying specific flight numbers UA882 UA882
Any flights except UA882 ~UA882+
A particular flight - UA882 - followed by any number of flights UA882 F+
One or more flights on UA with flight numbers in the range 1000-2000 UA1000-2000+
UA / aircraft t:737
UA / aircraft t:73G
UA / aircraft t:738
AA+ / f bc=Y; maxconnect 45
f ~(ua,bc=N|aa,bc=B|dl,bc=E|b6,bc=L|as,bc=X)
AA+ / f ~bc=b
DL+ / f ~bc=e
UA+ / f ~bc=n
UA+ / f ~..-lgt