I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say. do you mean that Rabbi Reisman is a litvish choshiva rov, and that is why he knows, while a chasidish choshuv rov would not know?
If that is what you mean, it's probably true. But at the same time, you don't have to be so "out there" to know that the Mets have a reputation of losing. I am not at all a sports fan and I know that they have that reputation.
I will try to explain. Chassidim today struggle with the same problems than the rest of society. Be it internet, social media, extravagant lifestyles/indulgences and all the things which were almost non existent 30/40 years. I find it interesting that davka following sports which is certainly not as bad as the above and is more acceptable amongst litvaks, to the point that a famous esteemed choshiva Rov can joke about teams while giving a shiur, is still almost non existent amongst your average chassidish guy. Unlike women driving/men shaving etc. which are enforced through schools and are detrimental for shidduchim in chassidish circles, following sports isn't something that is even on most people's radar and they have zero interest for it, although it isn't something that can be enforced. Most people I know wouldn't be able to name sports teams besides for the Yankees and Mets (ok, some names might slip through by listening to the radio for news and weather/traffic but usually it's a nuisance), let alone who has the reputation to win or lose. I'm not talking of those who are davka big tzaddikim, it's just as foreign and non appealing as following Tibetan rituals.