What are we, machopped aliver?
Feel free to start a Wikipedia page for Machal. 
What I meant by...
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!
is: what is even the
hava amina that it deserves a separate page? Contrary to what the snobby upper-class Americans* living there think and say, Machal is NOT a discrete neighborhood. It is just a street name, and is part and parcel of Maalot Dafna. True, it may be referred to in a conversation as a separate place ("We're do you live, Maalot Dafna or Machal?") informally, but technically speaking, it's not.
By the way, there IS
a Wikipedia page for Machal. But it's about the actual Machal, not the street named after it.
Disclaimer: before anybody gets all up in mah bidness for making fun of Americans living on Machal... I am one.
I'm just posting what the local stereotype is, unfortunately (what people say about us).