OK everyone, you may have picked up over the last several months that I was planning a big trip to Israel/Europe. Thanks to everyone who helped out with recommendations and getting me approved for the hyatt card!! Here is the basic itinerary, if anyone has any last minute tips, I would appreciate it.
EWR-TLV (got miles ticket in economy. I don't have status or anything, is it possible to pay for an upgrade at ticekting (either with points or cash).
Israel- staying with family or small hotels (i'll have to wait till waldorf opens to stay somewhere nice is jerusalem
Paris- Suite in PHP
London- I unfortunately booked trip right at the end of the olympics. argh, it will be packed. Staying at holiday inn
Rome- Have 2 reservations, one at Westin and other at Kosher bed and breakfast
Venice- Westin Europa
Back to EWR on Lufstansa (coach- same question as before).
I'll make sure to post trip notes when I get back