If the annual fee scares you for whatever reason there's always SPG+PRG+Delta, all with waived fees.
Annual fee doesn't scare me... actually just fairly new to the churn game (loving it btw

) and need to do the research on Plat cards (how long to wait between signups, to close or can I move over lines, where I can hit spending thresholds, as AP isn't suggested with Amex etc.)
I'm more familiar with Chase and just need to learn Amex best I can...
Anyhow thanks for all the suggestions... I'm waiting to see if 30k fee comes out, then I figure once I do the 2bm (only one Business Amex currently after FR few years back where I shut down 4 Amexs and therefore have my doubts about even getting approved for 2bm) I'll learn on the go