Does sixt platinum give a free upgrade in Israel?Do they still status match and how?
I get upgrades with them all the platinum through WMC.
You got upgrades in Israel too?Do I need to use a WMC when renting (wanna use CSP which is visa)
yes I got in jerusalem romema, just bring your sixt platinum card with you.
How do I status match to sixt?I saw this email address upthread,, but that was posted 3 years ago.Do I have to apply first for sixt express card? (
How do I status match to sixt plat for an existing sixt account?
Email them or PUTPAC
Ok will do. Is there a specific email address for status matching like with hertz?
i have Hertz Gold 5 stars, can this get me to national Exec. Elite?and with amex plat pc which is better to go?
and with amex plat pc
How do i match Hertz PC to National Elite? & what benefits do i get more?
Can i expect an upgrade with Hertz PC? If reserving a fullsize what should i expect?(i understand there aren't any guarantees, just trying to get an idea.)