i believe the coordinates of the kvish hapele are n32.99967 e35.53612
Can someone take along a level and figure out which way the incline really goes? Its an optical illusion. Was there many times. The last time I was there i showed my wife and daughter how its not real. The guide we were with pretty much admitted its all a farce.
I'm surprised nobody replied to this question. Having a level would prove whether or not it's really going downhill. My phone has a level built in. Next time I go there, IYH, I will test it.
Well.... That's what an optical illusion is, if it didn't look like it goes downhill it wouldn't be an optical illusion. See here.
Quotes in a signature is annoying, as it comes across as an independent post.
Well, what do you know. Apparently there is one in Jackson NJ, on New Prospect Rd.!https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_gravity_hills?wprov=sfti1