Enterprise wont rent under 21
michigan state law that you have to rent to anyone over 18
i have this avis world discount code it saves up to 25% off the awd # is x528314 and a 30$ off a rental of 5 days or more that coupon # is muwa198
looking for a rental in zipcode 11210 from dec22 noon - dec28 noonor from LGA to JFK from dec21 18:00 - dec 29 18:00cheapest car, i am 28yrs oldany help will be appreciated thank you
for rental starting after april 7 i just used awd Z652297 and found 151 for a midsize ( using coupon muwa051 (must take for a 7 days )for 35 dollars off)from jfk 172 for a full size(using coupon muwa051) 207 for a premium (using upgrade coupon uuwa055)if you take for for at least 5 days use coupon muwa130 for 30 dollars off