My honest Recommendation is as follows.
If the data isn't critical (movies, downloads etc) play around with get data back, many times it can work and recover data even from a damaged drive.
If the data is critical -
Get data back added a new feature in the latest version, upon the recommendation of one of my colleagues. They have an option called quickscan - this is a great feature. Instead of canning the entire drive for data (which kills the drive when its failing!!) it uses the mft - which is a part of the hard drive that keeps a record of all the files and directories. This help you see in a few seconds if it detects your files. If it does - continue, and recover all your data. If it doesn't I recommend not letting it scan the entire drive for data, this sometimes really kills the drive! Its a chance I wouldn't take with critical data.
I'm not saying this because I want you do bring me the recoveries. I've seen this happen too often. Most technicians that send me data recoveries these days have learnt and we have an agreement they don't mess with drive and I give then better prices:)