Start with any torah learning. I personally recommend Baba Kama for this specific ailment.
Any torah learning can have a positive impact, as it
says המאור שבה מחזירן למוטב. Not sure why you think B"K is recommended more than any other part.
All of that notwithstanding, I stand by what I said above, that just pointing the person to a sefer to learn is probably not effective in such cases. This requires personal attention of someone who cares, and is hopefully experienced, so that with סייעתא דשמיא he would be successful.
You rightfully called the situation an ailment, and just like with a חולי הגוף you wouldn't just prescribe something without proper examination, how much more so in such cases, that expert evaluation and guidance is called for.
ETA: See
here regarding המאור, though that is not to detract from the simple meaning, but rather to add to it.