I read the following true story recently:
Two kallos (engaged) were talking about their chasanim. Choson A called his kallah daily and spent a significant amount
of time on the phone with her, while Choson B called weekly and had little to say as he was preoccupied with his learning.
They had the same kallah teacher (though they probably didn't know this). Both kallos subsequently came to her on the
same day (separately, unplanned). Each was considering, on the basis of their conversation, breaking off their shidduch -
Kallah A thought her choson must be a batlan, while Kallah B thought her choson must not care about her!
The teacher was able to persuade each of them that their concern was unwarranted.
The writer's point in relaying the story was that young people should
not discuss the people they are engaged to with each other.