I am skeptical that most people are up before 8 on shabbos when so many daven at minyanim starting 830 or later.
OK, story time.
One Motzei Shabbos I get a message from someone I vaguely know. "Moishie, I just wanted to let you know that whatever you decide, we will still be friends. I don't judge other people."
I read it once, twice, a bunch of times... what the hell are you talking about?
In response he sends me a screenshot of my whatsapp profile page, where it says "Last seen Saturday 6:02AM".
Turns out he's trying to tell me that just because I decided not to keep Shabbos anymore, he won't break off our friendship since he doesn't judge people.
I responded that I'm not going to demean myself to him and try to explain that no, I actually still
am shomer Shabbos, and there must be some sort of technical explanation, and on and on and on.
But 6 in the morning on a Shabbos??? Just..... no.