Maybe you can help. I had a 150 dollar non-refundable ticket, that I had because of a flight I CANCELED, no covid issue here. Well, like an IDIOT, I used this small ticket to book a much larger ticket today, and then I wanted to cancel it today, less than 4 hours later, and I was told NO. Why? Because unwittingly to me, I had taken this small landmine of a ticket and created a MUCH larger landmine of a ticket! I am 1K and they did not care. I sent an email to 1Kvoice, and I called twice, HUCA, and the supervisor told me tough luck this is our policy. A policy that is HORRIBLE! One no one told me about when booking this over the phone to the 1k desk.
Any other ideas? I really do not need this larger ticket hanging around my neck - but if I have to, I guess I will live with it.