Tried it on desktop, reverts back to EWR and does NOT show JFK. This is a SERIOUS issue.
Alternatively you can use Google flights
For award tickets?...
Anyway to get United to waive the $50 fee for a new member that the first leg of the trip was more then 30 days prior to receive mileage credit?
it is for ALL members beside club card members,
I probably didn't phrase my question correctly...Flew 1st leg of trip on United (not a united mileage member) then created an account after. United won't credit miles after the fact if more then 30 days, unless you pay $50. Any way to get this fee waived?
Need your LG Exalt fixed? Cracked in half? Water damage? Or parts to repair yourself. 347.201.2501
Taxes are always this high? Are the taxes the same on LH?