Will take a peek ,any idea where I can start from, there is a lot of info listed in that link?
Most books out there are written by people who sell technical systems, news letter writers , economists etc who do not have a track record of trading their own money successfully.
Recommended reads by people who made millions and hundreds of millions trading their own money, I read several hundred books, and these are what I think are a must read
1.Bernard Baruch Baruch my own story
2. Any book by or about Jesse Livermore
3. Marty Shwartz Pit Bull Lessons from Wall Street's champion trader
4. Market Wizards
5.The New Market Wizards
6. 3 books by my mentor Trader Vic a.Trader Vic Methods of a Wall Street Master b. Trader Vic 2 Principles of Speculation c. Trader Vic on Commodities. From a poker player and runner boy on wall street to one of the world's most successful traders ever.
7. 2 books by Victor Niederhoffer a. The Education of a Speculator b. Practical Speculation at one time he was the biggest hedge fund manager on Wall Street, made the most money and fame, was born in Brooklyn to a jewish family, he studied at Harvard and earned a PHD from Booth School of business, and was a finance professor at the University of California Berkley, also was a Squash world champion,THEN HE BLEW IT ALL WITH ONE BAD TRADE. Anyone will learn his skills plus not to do the fatal mistake he did.