I'm not thinking about the "day"; I'm looking at the past week or so, compared to the long term outlook of the company. Is it realistic that this issue is anything more than a blip? I personally have absolutely no experience with FB, but I hear that over a billion people do. This seems to be one of the most revolutionary businesses I've ever seen. If so, how is this anything other than a buying opportunity? (I'm not asking if it has bottomed out; that is impossible to predict. I just want to know if it will recover in the near to mid future).
I have no position (long or short) in FB nor am I a user (other than WhatsApp, where I don't see any monetization).
Remember US Robotics? How about Research In Motion?
Those companies had products/platforms that at their time were ubiquitous, and ruled the market. There were other players in the social media space (pun intended) that many can barely remember.
Unlike Google (Alphabet) that is truly ubiquitous, and does everything to get into everyone's life, FB seems to be limited to its platform(s) of which one is either a user, or isn't.
Remember the outcry when people were losing their Google accounts? You think anyone would really care that much if they lost access to FB? Especially now?
I don't know what will happen. I am unfamiliar with the management team. I don't really follow the company. But I will not be surprised if a few short years from now it will be a memory like Palm Pilots (or should I say Pilot 3, which IINM was the last one produced under the US Robotics brand) or Blackberries.