Not so sure that Monopoly laws aren't applicable with Amazon. However just like Google and Microsoft have paid Billions in fines and are still going's not going to stop them...
Well of course you can make any type of legal case on anything under the sun, but Microsoft had a real monopoly back then, and I don’t think they denied the fact that they were pushing and manipulating people into their browser and stuff, and even then, the conservative right (current congress?) sided with Microsoft.
Fast forward to today, Amazon doesn’t really have a monopoly in retail, again check out Walmarts revenue vs. amazons and tell me who has the monopoly.
They might control online retail, but unlike Microsoft back in the day when they literally slowed down their competitors browsers
on a platform they owned in order to push their own, Amazon simply provides the consumer with a better experience on the public web, amazon doesn’t own the web (ask Al Gore!) the way Microsoft owned windows back then.
Macy’s has the same right to operate online, actually did that and now that Walmart owns them they’re giving amazon a run for their money,
So amazon doesn’t manipulate nada.
Again, was Apple violating anti trust because they provided a better product and crushed Nokia? No. Same with Amazon.
It’s a leveled playing field.