Before asking DDF, ask Google -jj1000Brilliant!
Thanks, I improved it I think.
For those that don't know, CV's previous signature was "if your a n00b and have less than 25 posts, you can pm me and I'll start the topic for you" . (Or something like that )What did you think was going to happen with a sig like that??
How would someone that joined last week know that was my sig a month ago? Besides that where does it say I can waive the 25 post min?
Besides that where does it say I can waive the 25 post min?
Any explanation on the latest from CV's pen?
Hmmm.Ask him?
Ok. CV Care to humor us?
Some will take offense to it.
That's a great sig you got there
Thanks! I am not sure but I think I seen it before.
@henche.... WOW! saved any for others?