I searched for this thread to make a post about Klein's ice cream, and ironically the last post was about... Klein's ice cream! But I came to post about a different product, so I'll continue with my intended post:
My newest most-favorite product is Klein's Ice Coffee Sherbet bars. They are milchig, and IMO, absolutely delicious. They are the perfect balance between firm and creamy, and they are practically addictive. I've gone through a number of boxes already, and relatives I've introduced them to have gotten hooked as well.
The box does not specify if it contains caffeine so I emailed the company to inquire. This is their answer:

I would post a picture of the box but I'm currently out, and although a few grocery websites have listed the product online, they all say "image coming soon."
If you try them, I'd love to know if you agree with my assessment. So far, I've only heard excellent reviews.