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Kosher Food/ Restaurants:
Taki Da - Glatt (Very good hashgacha) -
Hours: 12pm to 11pm
Mendis - Glatt (chabad hechsher) - - Under/behind the Chabad shul There's a Grocery store & Mikvah there as well.


Things to Do:


Getting Around:
Uman Transport:
Poyecheli (VIP Luxury Vans, Private Cars, Busses & Shuttles)
They speak Hebrew & Russian mostly (limited English)
Ukraine tel: +380931684959 | +380933790111 | +380633790111
Israel Tel: +972548700200
Whatsapp: +380933790111 +380633790111  +972548700200
Email: | Website | Facebook

UmanEx (VIP Luxury Vans, Private Cars, Busses & Shuttles)
They speak Hebrew & Russian mostly (limited English) - They are sometimes less reliable than poyechali
Tel/Whatsapp: +380632223030 | Israel tel: +972737878148
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Moscow helpful information
« Last edited by ckmk47 on December 20, 2019, 10:41:03 AM »

Author Topic: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread  (Read 183366 times)

Offline U-no-me!

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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #120 on: January 23, 2013, 04:28:12 PM »
Ditto to above, Priority Pass works. But a 10$ tip can get you in with a united pass, First show the card, if they reject it put a 10$ bill underneath and give it back. Make sure to keep it hidden (so you don't get the recipient in trouble)

Seems like a lot. $10 would work for border control or getting stopped by cop. Would probably need less for the lounge.

BTW the lounge in terminal D is new and very nice, But don't expect to find food or drinks there for free. This is the Ukraine. A drink in the lounge goes for 1.50 euro. The lounge in Terminal A just joined Priority pass, so don't know.
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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #121 on: January 23, 2013, 09:11:05 PM »
Seems like a lot. $10 would work for border control or getting stopped by cop. Would probably need less for the lounge.

BTW the lounge in terminal D is new and very nice, But don't expect to find food or drinks there for free. This is the Ukraine. A drink in the lounge goes for 1.50 euro. The lounge in Terminal A just joined Priority pass, so don't know.
I'm generally generous because i want them to remember me  8)

But i just use my priority card anyway
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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #122 on: February 19, 2013, 08:11:28 AM »
Seems like a lot. $10 would work for border control or getting stopped by cop. Would probably need less for the lounge.

BTW the lounge in terminal D is new and very nice, But don't expect to find food or drinks there for free. This is the Ukraine. A drink in the lounge goes for 1.50 euro. The lounge in Terminal A just joined Priority pass, so don't know.
Beg to differ, Was there yesterday Every drink including a delicious Latte was on the house, They also offered Salads, Sandwiches, Yogurt, Muffins & Cookies. (looked like crap)
Also pretty decent Showers..
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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #123 on: February 23, 2013, 03:45:54 PM »
Beg to differ, Was there yesterday Every drink including a delicious Latte was on the house, They also offered Salads, Sandwiches, Yogurt, Muffins & Cookies. (looked like crap)
Also pretty decent Showers..

Dunno, when i was there recently, everything costed $. I have to agree though, that showers are nice and new,  although when I used them the water was at best lukewarm.
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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #124 on: February 24, 2013, 06:44:26 AM »
Dunno, when i was there recently, everything costed $. I have to agree though, that showers are nice and new,  although when I used them the water was at best lukewarm.
Maybe it was free for me because i entered with a Priority Pass?
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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #125 on: April 15, 2013, 10:15:55 PM »
Ukraine trip report

went with my husband and 3 kids to spend pesach with family (shluchim in 2 cities there)

originally had wanted to use points and was able to find availability for 60,000 on united but i didnt have 300,000 points and not enough time to get them.

so i bought tickets figuring i would sell my miles that are in a range of programs. tickets from lax to kiev were about $1100 and to Kharkov about $1400. ended up getting someone in Argentina to purchase for me and it brought the cost to $4000 for the 5 tickets on United.

we had 9 pieces of luggage but the agent at first class check in was great! I have the United club card and she checked in 4 pcs for me and one child and then 5 pcs for my husband and 2 kids. she also marked them as priority.
had a bit of time to go to the lounge, but just enough to grab a fruit and a soda.

had 2 stopovers, landed in Kiev about 2 pm on wed. my brother in law had arranged a driver for us and he met us at the airport.
we made a stop in Zhitomer (about 2 1/2 hrs) to get food and for my husband to go to mikvah. we didnt get food but we still had leftover sandwiches and tradition soups.

The driving in Ukraine is like nothing else i experienced except maybe a bad roller coaster ride. at this season - at the end of winter, after all the snow and ice, the roads are full of pot holes. the drivers slow down and start swerving all over the road, doesnt matter which lane. Really shows the truth in the joke: how do u know if a russian driver is drunk? if he is driving straight.
the only roads that are decent are the ones near business centers like near kiev and Kharkov but otherwise....

from there we went to Berdichev (one hour). our driver was very experienced knew where he was going and called all the people before we even got there to unlock the doors to the kevarim

what nice is all the places were well taken care of with adjoining buildings with shuls, (decent!) bathrooms and some also had mikvaos. also there is a Ohel around each of the Tzaddikims Kevarim.

after Berditchev we went to Mezibuz to the Baal Shem Tov (about 3 hours)
we got there about 11 pm and stayed the night there. they gave us a 3 bedroom "suite" as well as a different room for our driver. For Ukraine the accommodations were pretty good. they provided us with a small supper and we all crashed for the night.
the next morning my husband went to the Mikvah there, we davened at the kever and then we drove about 10-15 minuted to the Baal Shem Tovs shul. it looks like it is all authentic from back then, with wooden benches and chairs....

from there we drove to Anipoli (2 1/2 - 3 hours) to the Bais Hachaim of the Maggid of Mezeritch and R' Zushe of Anipoli. there was no running water then but the next door neighbor kindly brought us water to wash our hands (and im sure to get a nice american tip)
since from the entrance to the bais hachaim to the ohel there are kevarim, there is no path built so we had to balance through the snow and mud to get to the ohel.

from there we drove about 7 hours to nezhin to the Mitteler Rebbe.

after that we drove another 3 hours to get to our destination for the first days
we paid about $800 for the 36 hours he was with us

there was 4 days of constant snowfall and the kids had a blast playing in the snow. for the adults - not so exciting. the city closed down and the bochurim on merkos shlichus almost didnt make it to their cities. bh by the second days the weather was very nice and by the end of pesach all the snow had melted

chol hamoed we took a mashrutka - a shuttle to Kharkov. about a 3 hr drive. (we had wanted to take a train for the experience but the timing didnt work out.

the main shul there is beautiful with a very high dome ceiling.
during chol hamoed we went to a zoo owned by a Jewish Gvir. (He also had bought and donated a huge silver menorah to the shul. its about 5 feet high)
we were going to take the kids to an amusement park or an indoor play place but with jetlagged late mornings that didnt happen and we just went to the local park for the kids to run around for a bit.
was an experience to pay a few griven to use the bathroom. collect your few pieces of toilet paper and then head to the stalls. the doors only reached up to mid chest but that bec there wasnt any toilet seats. just holes ur supposed to squat over.

my kids enjoyed buying some toys and stuff at the bazaar though there wasnt any major discounts or anything. prices were like in america.

after pesach we headed back to my brother in law in Sumy, stopping in Haditch (about 3 hr drive from Kharkov and then 2 hrs to Sumy)
in Haditch they built a beautiful new shul and mikvah.

In sumy we went to the Bazaar which was quite an experience, with all the babushkas selling their individuals bottles of milk and individual dead cleaned chickens and rabbits.
u could choose ur fish as they were swimming around in buckets (though not too much swimming bec they were quite full buckets and the fish were half dead)

sunday morning we left 6 am to head to kiev. it took us 5 hours. i tried going to the lounge but they told me my united card wouldnt get us in we would have to be at least * alliance gold bec it was a lufthansa lounge (i hadnt read about the $10 tip trick so i didnt try it)
however we found a room that said mothers and children that was empty so we hung out there. there was a sink and oven (though no pots or anything) a pack and play, dresser, couches and tables and chair. my husband got to daven there in private. my sister in law told me that in the moscow airport they have a mother and baby "lounge" they have toys for the kids and beds. very convenient bec most connections to kharkov is a 10 hr wait

our 2 stopovers were pretty tight with rushing from plane to plane so no chance to catch any other lounges.

and then it was home sweet home and lots of jet lag

not sure how to post pictures

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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #126 on: April 16, 2013, 12:57:26 AM »
Ukraine trip report

went with my husband and 3 kids to spend pesach with family (shluchim in 2 cities there)

originally had wanted to use points and was able to find availability for 60,000 on united but i didnt have 300,000 points and not enough time to get them.

so i bought tickets figuring i would sell my miles that are in a range of programs. tickets from lax to kiev were about $1100 and to Kharkov about $1400. ended up getting someone in Argentina to purchase for me and it brought the cost to $4000 for the 5 tickets on United.

we had 9 pieces of luggage but the agent at first class check in was great! I have the United club card and she checked in 4 pcs for me and one child and then 5 pcs for my husband and 2 kids. she also marked them as priority.
had a bit of time to go to the lounge, but just enough to grab a fruit and a soda.

had 2 stopovers, landed in Kiev about 2 pm on wed. my brother in law had arranged a driver for us and he met us at the airport.
we made a stop in Zhitomer (about 2 1/2 hrs) to get food and for my husband to go to mikvah. we didnt get food but we still had leftover sandwiches and tradition soups.

The driving in Ukraine is like nothing else i experienced except maybe a bad roller coaster ride. at this season - at the end of winter, after all the snow and ice, the roads are full of pot holes. the drivers slow down and start swerving all over the road, doesnt matter which lane. Really shows the truth in the joke: how do u know if a russian driver is drunk? if he is driving straight.
the only roads that are decent are the ones near business centers like near kiev and Kharkov but otherwise....

from there we went to Berdichev (one hour). our driver was very experienced knew where he was going and called all the people before we even got there to unlock the doors to the kevarim

what nice is all the places were well taken care of with adjoining buildings with shuls, (decent!) bathrooms and some also had mikvaos. also there is a Ohel around each of the Tzaddikims Kevarim.

after Berditchev we went to Mezibuz to the Baal Shem Tov (about 3 hours)
we got there about 11 pm and stayed the night there. they gave us a 3 bedroom "suite" as well as a different room for our driver. For Ukraine the accommodations were pretty good. they provided us with a small supper and we all crashed for the night.
the next morning my husband went to the Mikvah there, we davened at the kever and then we drove about 10-15 minuted to the Baal Shem Tovs shul. it looks like it is all authentic from back then, with wooden benches and chairs....

from there we drove to Anipoli (2 1/2 - 3 hours) to the Bais Hachaim of the Maggid of Mezeritch and R' Zushe of Anipoli. there was no running water then but the next door neighbor kindly brought us water to wash our hands (and im sure to get a nice american tip)
since from the entrance to the bais hachaim to the ohel there are kevarim, there is no path built so we had to balance through the snow and mud to get to the ohel.

from there we drove about 7 hours to nezhin to the Mitteler Rebbe.

after that we drove another 3 hours to get to our destination for the first days
we paid about $800 for the 36 hours he was with us

there was 4 days of constant snowfall and the kids had a blast playing in the snow. for the adults - not so exciting. the city closed down and the bochurim on merkos shlichus almost didnt make it to their cities. bh by the second days the weather was very nice and by the end of pesach all the snow had melted

chol hamoed we took a mashrutka - a shuttle to Kharkov. about a 3 hr drive. (we had wanted to take a train for the experience but the timing didnt work out.

the main shul there is beautiful with a very high dome ceiling.
during chol hamoed we went to a zoo owned by a Jewish Gvir. (He also had bought and donated a huge silver menorah to the shul. its about 5 feet high)
we were going to take the kids to an amusement park or an indoor play place but with jetlagged late mornings that didnt happen and we just went to the local park for the kids to run around for a bit.
was an experience to pay a few griven to use the bathroom. collect your few pieces of toilet paper and then head to the stalls. the doors only reached up to mid chest but that bec there wasnt any toilet seats. just holes ur supposed to squat over.

my kids enjoyed buying some toys and stuff at the bazaar though there wasnt any major discounts or anything. prices were like in america.

after pesach we headed back to my brother in law in Sumy, stopping in Haditch (about 3 hr drive from Kharkov and then 2 hrs to Sumy)
in Haditch they built a beautiful new shul and mikvah.

In sumy we went to the Bazaar which was quite an experience, with all the babushkas selling their individuals bottles of milk and individual dead cleaned chickens and rabbits.
u could choose ur fish as they were swimming around in buckets (though not too much swimming bec they were quite full buckets and the fish were half dead)

sunday morning we left 6 am to head to kiev. it took us 5 hours. i tried going to the lounge but they told me my united card wouldnt get us in we would have to be at least * alliance gold bec it was a lufthansa lounge (i hadnt read about the $10 tip trick so i didnt try it)
however we found a room that said mothers and children that was empty so we hung out there. there was a sink and oven (though no pots or anything) a pack and play, dresser, couches and tables and chair. my husband got to daven there in private. my sister in law told me that in the moscow airport they have a mother and baby "lounge" they have toys for the kids and beds. very convenient bec most connections to kharkov is a 10 hr wait

our 2 stopovers were pretty tight with rushing from plane to plane so no chance to catch any other lounges.

and then it was home sweet home and lots of jet lag

not sure how to post pictures
Nice TR, thanks!!

BTW I had a meal with the rabbi M and family in Kharkov, VERY nice people...
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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #127 on: July 14, 2013, 04:18:30 PM »
Which points is the best to use nyc to kbp business?

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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #128 on: July 14, 2013, 04:51:04 PM »
Nice trip report just read it now how come you didn't stop in uman at Rebbe Nachman of Breslov only a few hours from the Bal Shem Tov and amazing stories about miracles after davening there!

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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #129 on: July 14, 2013, 07:10:30 PM »
Which points is the best to use nyc to kbp business?
AFAIK, BA via LHR (high airport fees) is decent timewise
Otherwise lufthansa seems the  best way to get there with mileage.
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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #130 on: July 14, 2013, 10:33:05 PM »
Does American express points transfer to miles  and more ?  Do u by any chance know how many points  and how much os the fees and tax

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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #131 on: July 15, 2013, 09:44:47 AM »
Nice trip report just read it now how come you didn't stop in uman at Rebbe Nachman of Breslov only a few hours from the Bal Shem Tov and amazing stories about miracles after davening there!

A bit more than that...
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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #132 on: July 15, 2013, 01:45:26 PM »
A bit more than that...
AFAIK. its 250km which should take 3.5 hours but takes closer to 4 hours. (in the winter it can take up to 6 depending on conditions & driver)
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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #133 on: August 13, 2013, 12:16:08 PM »
Which points is the best to use nyc to kbp business with the least tax and fees ?

can someone find me something available . NYC to kbp Sep 02 coming back Sep 08 KBP - NYC


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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #134 on: September 09, 2013, 03:37:53 AM »
just read  through tgis thread.

The  only food  place in kiev that was mentioned,  is  king David which seems to be on the pricey side.

A Google search brings up "bakerman".  Anyone familiar with them?
The "kashrus" page is in russian and they seem to serve pizza and meat.  :-\

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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #135 on: September 09, 2013, 04:17:12 AM »
just read  through tgis thread.

The  only food  place in kiev that was mentioned,  is  king David which seems to be on the pricey side.

A Google search brings up "bakerman".  Anyone familiar with them?
The "kashrus" page is in russian and they seem to serve pizza and meat.  :-\
Will probably be at King David in an hour or so for lunch, hope they are open.
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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #136 on: September 09, 2013, 04:29:26 AM »
Will probably be at King David in an hour or so for lunch, hope they are open.
Okay. Please keep us posted with their hours of operation. Thanx

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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #137 on: September 09, 2013, 04:41:35 AM »
Okay. Please keep us posted with their hours of operation. Thanx
P.S. If you are looking for something less pricey but decent - check out the cafe on the other side (under the shul)
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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #138 on: September 09, 2013, 05:12:02 AM »
P.S. If you are looking for something less pricey but decent - check out the cafe on the other side (under the shul)
Do you know the name of the place? Or phone number/website?
(Want to check what their hours are)


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Re: Russia & Ukraine Master Thread
« Reply #139 on: December 10, 2013, 12:32:50 AM »
Trip Report - St. Petersburg & Moscow - June 2013

Part 1 - St. Petersburg:

One of the most beautiful cities in the world - and I still can't believe that it's not on Westerners' radar as it should be. We went during White Nights - when insomnia rules, boat cruises don't leave until 12:30 am, fireworks at 2 am, crowds in the streets all night, etc. Still, felt very safe.

White Nights is also a crazy expensive time to be in St Petersburg (even more than the crazy expensive usual). However, the Marriott Pushin:

at 15k Marriott Points + 5th night free was a steal! The hotel was $500-$800 per night during the time we were there. It was also walking distance to the main synagogue of the city, a kosher restaurant and 40 min or so walk to the center of city (25 min to the 'edge of the center')

Food - Golden Cafe:

I really loved it - it was a mix of Russia / Ashkenazi and Georgian cuisine. The lady who ran it was very nice. It certainly helps that I speak Russian (as it does everywhere else in Russia). Also reasonably priced. Not all items on the menu were available, but everything we had was great.

LeChaim is good, a little pricey though. It's inside the Choral Synagogue. The food is good - service a little slow.

Shabbat - we pre-ordered food at LeChaim. Came out to about $35 / per person / meal including vodka, wine, lots of fish etc. The dinner was a little better than lunch, but it was all really good.

Overall city - if you have a chance to go for White Nights (late June) - by all means do so. There is more than enough kosher food to get by and the city, its palaces and scenery is incredible.